Eligibility Criteria for Bloop Authors:

1. Writing Proficiency: Authors must demonstrate a high level of proficiency in writing and storytelling.

2. Originality: Authors are required to produce original and unique content, avoiding plagiarism or copyright infringement.

3. Content Alignment: Submitted content should align with the genres or themes supported by Bloop.

4. Professional Conduct: Authors are expected to maintain professionalism in their interactions with readers and fellow authors, adhering to Bloop's code of conduct.

5. Completeness: Works submitted should be completed or well-defined projects, contributing to a positive reading experience.

6. Engagement Commitment: Authors must commit to engaging with readers and the Bloop community, responding to comments and feedback.

7. Legal Compliance: Authors should ensure compliance with copyright laws and other legal requirements when submitting content.

8. Avoidance of Offensive Content: Authors must refrain from creating content that may be considered offensive, harmful, or inappropriate.

9. Author Platform Presence: Authors are encouraged to build and maintain a presence on the Bloop platform, utilizing available tools for enhanced reader engagement.

10. Monetization Awareness: Authors should be aware of and understand how to monetize their work on the platform.

11. Consistency and Frequency: Authors are expected to consistently contribute and update their content in alignment with Bloop's guidelines.

12. Creativity and Innovation: Authors are encouraged to demonstrate creativity and innovation in storytelling or content creation.

13. Positive Community Contribution: Authors should actively contribute to fostering a positive and inclusive atmosphere within the Bloop community.

14. Agreement with Terms: Authors must accept and adhere to Bloop's terms of service, policies, and guidelines.