Religious Scriptures:

Bloop, being a platform built by a Muslim, has specific guidelines regarding the promotion and sale of religious scriptures. In line with its commitment to Islamic values and principles, Bloop exclusively allows the promotion and sale of Islamic scriptures, and it strictly prohibits the promotion of scriptures from other religions.

This content restriction is rooted in the platform's aim to create a dedicated space for the promotion Islamic knowledge that are not against Islam. As a platform that only cares to promote content that is in accordance with Islam, Bloop seeks to maintain a focused and culturally resonant environment.

Authors and users engaging with Bloop are expected to respect and adhere to this content policy. The platform encourages the sharing of Islamic teachings, fostering a community that aligns with the values of Islam. Authors contributing to Bloop should ensure that their content complies with these guidelines, promoting a cohesive and inclusive reading experience within the platform.

It's important to note that while Bloop upholds the freedom of expression and diverse perspectives within the Islamic context, the platform has chosen to curate its content to Islamic values. This decision aligns with the platform's vision of providing a unique and enriching experience for its audience.

Authors and users are encouraged to familiarize themselves with Bloop's content policies to ensure that their contributions align with the platform's values and objectives. Bloop remains committed to maintaining a platform that reflects to Islam.