Why you made it open source?

The decision to make Bloop an open-source project stems from our commitment to fostering collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity within the literary community. By embracing an open-source model, we aim to provide transparency and accessibility, allowing a diverse range of contributors to engage with and enhance the platform.

We believe in the power of collective creativity and recognize that the community's insights and contributions can significantly enrich the development of Bloop. Open sourcing aligns with our vision of creating a platform that reflects the needs and aspirations of both authors and readers alike.

Furthermore, opening up the source code encourages a culture of continuous improvement. It enables developers, enthusiasts, and aspiring contributors to not only understand the inner workings of Bloop but also to actively participate in refining and expanding its capabilities. This collaborative approach empowers the community to shape the platform in ways that cater to evolving preferences and technological advancements.

Ultimately, making Bloop open source is a testament to our belief in the strength of community-driven initiatives. We invite individuals passionate about literature, technology, and community building to join us on this journey, contributing their expertise and insights to make Bloop a truly remarkable and inclusive platform for readers and authors worldwide.